2020 MMUN Rome Conference Schedule

2020 MMUN Rome Conference Schedule*

Monday 25th May, 2020


Rome Marriott Park Hotel

Starts at 3:00pm

Hotel check-in

The MMUN teacher-coordinator or Group Leader for each school obtains the room numbers and keys directly from the hotel. 

Tuesday 26th May, 2020


Rome Marriott Park  Hotel



On-site Conference & Security Check-in

It begins at the Hotel. Only the MMUN Teacher Coordinator from each school approaches the on-site check-in area. Teacher coordinators or Group Leaders will show ID and then be given MMUN badges with lanyards for all participants associated with the school group, their MMUN program books, certificates for the delegates and important information to know about the venue and conference events. All adults in the group will then come to the security check-in desk with their MMUN badge and picture ID to obtain wristbands that they will wear throughout the conference. Check-in slots will be assigned by MMUN prior to the conference.

Starts at 3:00pm 

Hotel Check-in

The MMUN teacher-coordinator for each school obtains the room numbers and keys directly from the hotel at their designated MMUN satellite desk.


Welcome Dinner Buffet 


Flag Bearers Line-up for Parade of Nations 

Two delegates per country must come in business attire with only their flags in hand to line up for the Flag Procession. 

7:45-9:00pm (Doors open at 7:30pm; Ceremony begins at 7:45pm)

Parade of Nations & Opening Ceremony

Feel the excitement as everyone comes together to launch the beginning of the conference.  Flag-bearers sit together following the procession and are dismissed to their teacher-coordinators following the ceremony.

Wednesday 27th May, 2020


Rome Marriott Park Hotel



Buffet Breakfast


Country Display Board Setup 

9:00am-12:00pm (UE) 9:15am-12:15pm (MS)

Committee Sessions

The start of the upper elementary and middle school sessions are staggered by 15 minutes to allow time for teacher-chaperones to drop off delegates at their rooms.


Morning Workshops for Teachers and Parents 

Workshops are fully described in each MMUN program book.


Buffet Lunch 

2:00-5:00 pm (UE) 2:15-5:15 pm (MS)

Committee Sessions

Delegates return to committee. At the end of the afternoon, they will be dismissed to a teacher-coordinator or parent chaperone from their school.


Afternoon Workshops for Teachers and Parents 

Workshops are fully described in each MMUN program book.


Buffet Dinner

8:00-9:30pm (Performers arrive 7:30 pm, Doors open at 7:45pm, Show starts at 8:00pm)

Cultural Performance Night

Delegates perform musical numbers from their home country or the one that they represented during the conference. Performers are expected inside the ballroom prior to doors opening to the rest of the attendees who will be watching the show.

Thursday 28th May, 2020


Rome Marriott Park Hotel


Buffet Breakfast

9:00am-12:00pm (UE) 9:15am-12:15pm (MS)

Committee Sessions

The start of the upper elementary and middle school sessions are staggered by 15 minutes to allow time for teacher-chaperones to drop off delegates at their rooms.


Morning Workshops for Teachers & Parents 

Workshops are fully described in each MMUN program book.


Buffet Lunch 

2:00-5:00pm (UE) 2:15-5:15pm (MS)

Committee Sessions

Delegates return to committee. At the end of the afternoon, they will be dismissed to a teacher-coordinator or parent chaperone from their school.


Afternoon  Workshops for Teachers and Parents 

Workshops are fully described in each MMUN program book.


FAO Ticket Distribution 

Teacher coordinators or Group Leaders present their MMUN badge and picture ID to collect all of the UN passes for their group.


Dismantle Country Display Boards


Buffet Dinner

8:00-9:00pm (Doors open at 8:00pm)

MMUN Celebration Night

Delegates enjoy a relaxing, casual evening listening to music and socializing with other students they met in committee.

Friday 29th May, 2020


FAO Headquarters (if available. Alternate location: Rome Marriott Park Hotel)

Begins at 6:30am

Hotel Check-out and Luggage Storage


Buffet Breakfast 


Bus Line Up & Departure to FAO Closing Ceremony  (if FAO is available)

UE & MS Closing Ceremony

Draft resolutions are presented to the committees in UN Building (if available), and then voted on or passed by consensus.

Bus schedule to the FAO will be determined as we receive directives from the FAO during the week of the conference.

*This is a tentative schedule. MMUN reserves the right to change the conference schedule at anytime.

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