MMUN Vocabulary

MMUN Vocabulary

Agenda: The order in which the topics in a committee will be discussed.

Amendment: A change to a draft resolution that will be adopted or voted. It must be submitted to the Chair in writing.

Binding: The legal force that only the resolutions of the Security Council have over UN Member States. Security Council resolutions are binding.

Bureau: A group of students or MMUN Staff that facilitates the debate and procedures in committee. The Bureau is comprised of the MMUN Secretariat, Chair, Vice-Chair and a Rapporteur. The Chair moderates the debate and enforces the ‘Rules of Procedure.’

Consensus: is a group decision-making process in which group members develop, and agree to support, a decision in the best interest of the whole. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the “favorite” of each individual. It is used to describe both the decision and the process of reaching a decision. If there is a vote it is not consensus.

Consultations: Formally known as ‘caucus’, consultations are forms of negotiation and can be either Informal or Formal.

Delegate: A student acting as an ambassador of a country in a Model UN Conference. A group of students representing the same country is called a delegation.

Division of Proposal: A motion to vote on a specific clause separately from the rest of the draft resolution. When consensus cannot be reached on changes or additions to the resolution. Delegates can vote on a specific line, word or entire clause.

Foreign Policy: The vision and proposals of a country towards all the topics in the international community. It’s the way in which a country responds to different international topics.

Introductions: A moment for the delegates to introduce each other to the other delegates and the Bureau.

Line-by-Line Review: Used to build consensus by reviewing each line as a


Member State: Any country that belongs to the United Nations.

Motion: A formal proposal by a delegation that the committee take a certain action.

Placard: A freestanding place card with a country’s name. It is raised by delegates who wish to speak or to make a motion.

Quorum: The minimum number of delegates needed to be present for a committee to meet. In the General Assembly, the quorum consists of one third of the members. In the Security Council nine members must be present.

Resolution: A document that outlines the problems the committee intends to solve and the solutions proposed by the sponsors that authored the resolution.

Roll Call: The first activity in a committee of a Model UN. The Rapporteur calls each country, one by one, to confirm a quorum. Delegates must respond “present and voting.”

Secretary-General: The highest official and leader of a Model UN conference.

Sessions: Series of formal meetings. Also known as committee sessions.

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MMUN Rules of Procedure

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